Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dulce De Leche ( DDL) and Eggless Chocolate Cake from DDL

Dulce De Leche ( DDL) and Eggless Chocolate Cake from DDL

Remembering seeing this process of making DDL at home with the help of slow cooking process in pressure pan long back, but was too busy with God knows what that don't even stopped and bother to read it. Today out of the blue moon, I again saw this DDL and felt in love. Imminently rushed to store got a can of condensed milk and did my experiment of home made DDL.

And for all those who haven't tried it yet, trust me guys it's awesome awesome awesome. A full proof method of preparing your own DDL from sweet ended condensed milk.

It's a lengthy process but the moment you open the can and see that caramel and its colour your love for it is obvious...

I am sharing the method of preparing both home made DDL and the way I used it in Eggless Chocolate tea cake.

Process of making DDL from condensed milk.
Take a sealed can of sweetened condensed milk. Take a big pressure pan, I tool a 5 litres one. Place the can and fill the pan with water. The water level should be enough to immerse the whole can and little above the can. Once done, put it on stove on high flame till 1 whistle. After one whistle put the flame on minimum possible, and let the can cook for 25 minutes by the clock. After the said time, Do Not Open the pressure pan.  Let it cool completely before you even open and see what's going Inside. Once it's cooled completely, take out the can and there you go your own made and jpjome made DDL is ready...:)

Ingredients for Eggless DDL and chocolate cake
- 1 .5 cup plain flour/ maida
- 1/2 cup oil ( I used canola oil)
- 1/2 cup castor sugar
- 3/4 can of DDL
- 1/4 cup milk at room temperature
- 1/4 cup curd at room temperature
- 1 tbsp vanilla essence
- 2 tbsp coco powder
-  Approx 1/4 cup melted chocolate (milk or dark as you wish)
- 1 tbsp lime juice 
- 1 tsp baking powder
1.5 tsp baking soda
- a pinch of salt

1. In a microwave safe bowl, melt the chocolate
2. Add oil and beat for a minute
3. Add sugar and mix
4. Add milk and vanilla and mix throughly 
5. Add curd and mix till a nice homogenous mix is formed
6. Now, sieve together flour, baking powder, baking soda, coco and salt at least 2 times.
7. Now just take a baking pan and grease it and sprinkle it with little dry flour.
8. Mix dry ingredients to the wet ingredients in 3 batches. And fold in the flour mix nicely.
9. Just before adding the batter to the baking dish add lime juice and very quickly give it a mix. 
10. Divide the batter in 3 portions, add first batch to the baking tray and put 1/3 rd chunks of DDL and with help of a form try to spread it as much as you can. Repeat the process 2 more times. 
11. Bake in pre heard oven a 180 degrees for 35 minutes or till a tooth pick come clean.

You yummy, drool worthy, and amazing DDL and chocolate cake is ready p, so what you waiting for, go and enjoy...:) <3

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